Printed Resources

  • Art History Cards
  • Art History Cards
Note to Buyer:  Before purchasing a printed resource, you may want to explore all the print options already available locally to you. For example, many schools/districts have poster printers available for teachers to use. In this case, purchasing the digital download may be more cost effective for you. 
If you don't have those options available, or would prefer to have someone else do all the printing and cutting, Art with Mrs. Nguyen prints might be the right choice for you (many schools will even pay for, or reimburse orders - so be sure to talk with your bookkeeper or principal). Everything is printed in-house personally by me using professional grade equipment, so you know you'll get a quality print every time!
Please note: Printed resources do NOT come with the digital download.
Also, please be aware that the printed resource section of my store may close periodically in order to give current customers the best possible service.

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